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Additional BOWEN Surnames in ALTON -- PRAIRIE TWP. Cemetery
BADGER, KisiahBOWEN, ElizaBROADBELT, Mary EllenBROWN, Isreal P.BROWN, BetsyBROWN, Isreal P.COLVIN, George B.FRANTZ, RebeccaGRUMMEL, NancyHICKMAN, RichardHICKMAN, IssabellHICKMAN, Infant SonHICKMAN, Joseph S.HICKMAN, WashingtonHOTT, EliasHOTT, M.W.MC WILLIAM, JohnMC WILLIAM, MaryMC WILLIAM, ElenMC WILLIAM, ThomasMC WILLIAM, JohnMC WILLIAM, MaryPORTER, LorenzoPOSTLE, ShadrachWILEY POSTLE, AnnastashaPOSTLE, GabrielPOSTLE, JohnPOSTLE, WilliePOSTLE, George A.POSTLE, JobPOSTLE, ElizabethPOSTLE, JohnPOSTLE, SusannahPOSTLE, EllenPOSTLE, Sarah C.POSTLE, John N.POSTLE, ElizabethPOSTLE, RachaelPOSTLE, AlbertPOSTLE, NicholasPOSTLE, NancyPOSTLE, FranklinPOSTLE, MarthaSCHUCHART, FrederickSCHUCHART, Ann MariahSCHUCHART, ElizabethTRACY, JohnWYLTE, Mary Additional BOWEN Surnames in FRANKLIN County
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Submitted: 4/4/09 • Approved: 4/5/09 • Last Updated: 8/13/15 • R90788-G90787-S3
This stone is located in the rear of the west side of the cemetery and has 49 names listed on it.
All 49 names are listed below along with the following inscription. If anyone would like copies of the original photos please contact me and I will send them to you.
Erected In 1983 by the Descendants of Shadrach Postle and Annastaha Wiley in Memory of those pioneer famuily members buried in the Postle Graveyard
Survey No. 1474, Prairie Twp., Franklin Co., Ohio
Kisiah Badger
wife of A.J.
Died Oct 22, 1856
Aged 50y4m5d
Eliza Bowen
dau of John and Ellen
Died Nov 1, 1842
Aged 7y9m
Mary Ellen Broadbelt
wifemof Reuben
Died Sept 28, 1860
Aged 17y11m20d
Isreal P. Brown
Died May 27, 1839
Aged 69 yrs
Betsy Brown
wife of Isreal
Died Feb 5, 1836
Aged 57yrs
Isreal P. Brown
son of Henry & S.A. Brown
Died Oct 15, 1842
Age 11 yrs
George B. Colvin
Born in Fayette Co., PA Oct 15, 1787
Died Sept 28, 1863
Rebecca Frantz
wife of Joseph Frantz
died April 8, 1857
Aged 45y2m27d
Nancy Grummel
Died Jan 21, 1847
Age 84 yrs
Richard Hickman
died Jan 28, 1863
Aged 29y2n
Issabell Hickman
wife of Richard
died Mar 10 1863
aged 24y 7m
Infant Son Hickman
son of Richard and Issabell
died april 1, 1863
Joseph S. Hickman
died Nov 8, 1848
aged 43y5m11d
Washington Hickman
Died Sept 27, 1831
Age 24y10m12d
Elias Hott
Husband of Lucinda
Died Mar 5, 1862
Aged 46y3m
M.W. Hott
son of Elias Hott
died Oct 27, 1851
Age 4y10m
John McWilliam
died Feb 28, 1852
aged 40y1m16d
Mary McWilliam
wife of John
died Jan 15, 1860
aged 66y6m26d
Elen McWilliam
wife of John L.
died July 22, 1852
aged 40y3m17d
Thomas McWilliam
son of J. & M.
Died 27, 1854
aged 19y5m7d
John McWilliam
died Sept 14, 1843
In his 76th years
Mary McWilliam
dau of John and Polly
died Cot 20, 1838
age 21y6m4d
Lorenzo Porter
died Dec 7, 1852
Aged 34y3m1d
Shadrach Postle
died May 23, 1832
age 76y5m20d
Annastasha[Wiley] Postle
wife of Shadrach
died July 28, 1829
age 76y1m
Gabriel Postle
died Mar 5, 1929
age 31y21d
John Postle
died Sept 2, 1853
age 70y
Willie Postle
son of John & R.
died Feb 9, 1949
age 2y1m9d
George A. Postle
son of John R.
died Feb 9 1949
age 5y10m2d
Job Postle
died July 21, 1858
age 77y2m
Elizabeth Postle
wife of Job
died June 20, 1850
age 70y6m
John Postle
died Jan 13, 1852
age 46y3m21d
Susannah Postle
wife of Alonzo
Died April 13, 1865
aged 23y4m7d
Ellen Postle
dau of D. & H. Postle
died Nov 13, 1860
age 3y
Sarah C. Postle
dau of Z. & M
died Sept 20, 1859
age 3y8m20d
John N. Postle
son of Zadock and Nancy
died Sept 15, 1846
age 5 years
Elizabeth Postle
dau. of Zadock and Nancy
died Apr 8, 1838
age 1y1m4d
Rachael Postle
wife of John
died Nov 16, 1841
age 31y1m8d
Albert Postle
son of John & Rebecca
died June 10, 1842
age 4y8m1d
Postle, Nicholas
son John
died June 1839
Postle, Nancy
wife of Zadock
died May 16, 1870
age 55y7m7d
Franklin Postle
son of Lewis & Caroline
died Nov 12, 1951
Martha Postle
dau. of Franklin and Catherine
died Sept 8, 1851
Age 3y1m
Schuchart, Frederick
Died Nov 11, 1858
age 49y7m4d
Ann Mariah Schuchart
dau. of E. & Rose
Died July 12, 1851
Age 8m4d
Elizabeth Schuchart
died Apr 3, 1859
age 48y3m
Tracy, John
Co F 10th OVI
Wylte, Mary
wife of Samuel
Died Dec 6, 1850
age 35y3m6d
Contributed on 4/4/09 by Schumaker4
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Record #: 90788